Forex Trading Scams

Forex trading scams are aimed at traders looking to make use of the foreign exchange market – this is a legitimate market used for trading different international currencies, which can make it difficult to spot Forex trading scams from the real tools, platforms, and wallets that you’d be looking to use during your activity.

When it comes to Forex, trading scams can happen at any time – many of these attacks can be very specific and incredibly sophisticated, meaning that only the most observant of eyes are capable of spotting the dangers. When you’re trading on the Forex markets, you’ll likely be using a number of platforms to do so; these platforms can offer functions such as access to markets or wallets to store your assets in, making them a vital part of the overall trading process. Unfortunately, not all of the platforms that you came across will be legitimate – it’s these scam platforms that will present the danger to you and your wealth, leading to Forex trading scams. 

When you put your money into a scam platform, there’s a good chance that you’ll never see it again, which is where our services become crucial. With the help of our expert team of funds recovery experts, we’ll be able to investigate losses of wealth, contact banks or wallet platforms on your behalf, and ensure that your money is returned to you in full as soon as possible. When making Forex trades, the important thing to remember is this: if it looks to good to be true, there’s a high possibility that it’s a Forex trading scam.

Does this sound like you?

If this sounds familiar, please fill in the form below and let us see if we can help get your money back.

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    5 Star Service & 5 Star Honesty

    I traded FOREX for years and thought I was doing pretty well. Then I saw a new trading firm online and it looked like I could do super well. I lost a bit and then some.I talked with this law office and after hearing everything I did, they were honest to tell me that because of the way I paid the scammers, my money was gone forever. I was surprised because I spoke to a few other recovery people and they promised again and again they could get my money back.
    It sucks to hear that my money is gone but I guess I’d rather hear the truth and move on and not get scammed again by a fake recovery company.


    They are recovery experts, not scammers!

    I contacted lots of these so-called “recovery companies” that I found online and I just got a creepy feeling. I didn’t feel like they were that interested in hearing the details of what happened to my wife and me but they were very pushy about signing me on and getting my money.
    I decided (wisely) to work with Global Securities after reading their website. They are recovery experts and know what they’re doing.
    They got just about all of my money back for me and I would recommend them highly!



    Top Service & Very Honest

    I was first browsing around to see if any firm can recover my money. I came across this company GBL. Their service is speedy and at top quality and they are very honest.I was first contacted by Jay who asked me some questions before they can even tell if my money will be recoverable. Then I was passed onto Josh who did an investigation with my case at a reasonable and fair price.Although my funds weren’t recoverable I’ll rather hear the truth and hopefully I won’t get scammed again. GBL definitely know what they are doing and the team were very polite and great. Keep it up GBL!!!


    Hamzah Ali
    Trustpilot Logo

    Regulated Forex Broker Trading

    A growing number of investors are losing money through trading using a regulated Forex broker. This means that the broker is responsible to a body, such as the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) and may have made trades without the proper knowledge or were looking for quick wins that didn’t pay off. Investors may also be dealing with regulated Forex brokers overseas, who have different regulatory bodys, further impacting on their ability to make the right investments. 

    More and more investors are losing money through regulated Forex brokers, but if you have lost money through trading with a regulated Forex broker, then this can be good news as it means these traders can be held accountable for misconduct or wrongdoings they have done with your investment funds. 

    Here at Global Securities, our team of legal experts have vast experience in helping investors recover lost monies through trading with a regulated Forex broker and and we can make sure that these brokers comply with the complaints procedure in the correct way.

    Unregulated Forex Trading Scams

    Trillions of pounds are traded every day in Forex markets the USA, and with so much money being exchanged in this unregulated spot in the trading market, this, unfortunately, makes finding legitimate and regulated Forex brokers a real challenge. 

    Whilst Forex continues to be a popular form of investment, Forex trading scams are also on the increase. As the Forex trading market is a highly unregulated market, this means that for investors looking for investment opportunities, the chances of dealing with an unregulated broker increases substantially, resulting in a Forex trading scam. 

    Unregulated brokers can manipulate prices, so investors end up losing their money faster and then start to deposit more funds, leading to further lost money.  It’s a seemingly endless cycle and can end up with investors losing large amounts of money to Forex trading scams.

    How To Spot If You’ve Been The Victim of a Forex Trading Scam

    There are many ways in which regulated Forex brokers may have breached regulations when it comes to handling your Forex trading investments. These can include:

    • Providing advice on how to trade
    • Assuring a guaranteed profit
    • Losing large amounts of money in a short space of time
    • Feeling under pressure to deposit more money

    If these signs sound familiar and you believe you may have been the victim of a Forex trading scam, then please get in touch with Global Securities today to arrange a free consultation. You only get one chance when it comes to recovering lost trading funds, so make sure you are in good hands with our team of legal experts! 

    How Global Securities Can Help Recover Money Lost Through Forex Trading

    If you’ve lost money through Forex trading, whether through a regulated broker or scam, then the positive news is that, here at Global Securities, we may be able to help you recover that money. In the past year alone, we’ve helped clients recover millions of pounds from investments and our team are on hand to start the process of tracing your historical Forex investment steps to see where we can start your recovery.

    Our clients

    What our clients had to say about
    our services.

    Free Consultation

    “I am so grateful to GBL, they recovered 90% of my money within 2 weeks of me reaching out to them.
    They completely understood that I had very little faith left after my experience, and took time to explain everything and reassure me.
    Can’t praise them enough.”

    “Great firm to deal with, Josh was incredibly professional he managed to recover funds from an online scam before I had to break the news to my partner, Thank you.”

    “On the very same day that I reached out to these guys on their website, Joshua contacted me not only by email but also by phone.
    He was patient and let me explain the entire nightmare of how I started investing with a known trading firm and ended up losing just about every pound I had.
    I’m talking about a life changing loss!
    I decided to take their help and all I can say is that I have My money back in MY account!!”

    “Very Responsive and Very Effective On the very same day that I reached out to these guys on their website, Joshua contacted me not only by email but also by phone. He was patient and let me explain the entire nightmare of how I started investing with a known trading firm and ended up losing just about every pound I had. I’m talking about a life changing loss! I decided to take their help and all I can say is that I have My money back in MY account!!”

    “I decided (wisely) to work with Global Securities after reading their website. They are recovery experts and know what they’re doing. They got just about all of my money back for me and I would recommend them highly”

    Just with any type of investment, there are always risks involved, especially for beginners who may not be familiar with the terms or steps involved. If you have a wealth of knowledge and experience in stock trading, you can earn some decent money, but if you are a beginner, the risks of falling victim to Forex trading scams or choosing the wrong regulated Forex broker increase substantially.

    The issue with Forex trading is that it is complex and can’t be learned in a day. Whilst many think trading is an easy side project, in reality it requires a lot of research and monitoring to get it right.

    Trading and investments are becoming increasingly more popular, with more and more people looking to make their money go further and increase their finance. As a result, a lot of investors are inexperienced, therefore aren’t aware of what to look for and avoid when making Forex investments.

    A lot of people invest their money after seeing advertisements showing how easy it is to invest in Forex, when unfortunately this isn’t always the case. Easy to use trading platforms and friendly representatives are common tactics for unregulated investors and overseas or low-quality regulated brokers to implement as a way to give the impression that they are a quality trading company. This encourages investors to part with their money to make investments based on their recommendations, with the promise of guaranteed returns or quick profits, leading to investors losing their money when this falls through.

    One of the most common reasons why there has been an increase in Forex scams is due to the number of unregulated trading platforms out there. These platforms take investor’s money to make investments and then disappear or ask for further funds or fees to withdraw money, which often is not there.

    One of the best ways in which to avoid Forex trading scams is to avoid using an unregulated Forex broker, however if you’re not savvy or experienced in Forex trading, recognising the signs of an unregulated broker can be difficult to spot. If something looks too good to be true, then it usually is, so be wary of traders offering deals or promise returns that seem suspicious.

    If you have signed up to a reputable forex trading platform and are new to trading, then you should also be very careful and only invest money that you can afford to lose. It is crucial that you don’t allow any sort of “broker” to trade for you, as this is often a way in which unregulated brokers take money from unsuspecting investors.

    One of the best ways to avoid being subject to any type of Forex trading scams is to do your research, especially on the brokers you are looking to trade with. No matter if you have experience in trading or are a complete novice, there are so many changes and updates when it comes to Forex trading, so be sure to regularly do your research so that you understand what to expect.

    Whilst the trading market is saturated with unregulated Forex brokers, there are still plenty of reputable and regulated Forex brokers available to trade with, it just means that you need to know what to look for. Good brokers have nothing to lose, so will always be regulated by an authority. By operating under a regulatory body, this ensures both traders and investors safety when it comes to their investments. Many unregulated Forex brokers aren’t phased by the rules and guidelines set by these body’s, therefore often operate independently.

    A regulated Forex trader will have their license information listed on their website and, with this information, you can then research into the regulatory authority and find out who certified them. Regulated Forex brokers are highly unlikely to hide this information or make it difficult to find, so if something seems off, always look for more information. Be wary of brokers who operate overseas or have certification from another country.

    Unregulated Forex brokers will also not be listed in any Forex directories, as they often don’t care and are only interested in deceitful tactics. Regulated Forex brokers will be listed in the Forex directory, making it easy for interested traders to find out more information about them if needed. Unregulated Forex brokers are also notoriously difficult to contact and usually, if they’ve created a fake website, then their contact details will likely be fake, too. Regulated Forex brokers value their clients, so will offer a seamless mode of communication, whether through call, email or chats.

    Firstly, we’re sorry to hear that you’ve lost money whilst trading. If you have been subject to Forex broker scams by an unregulated broker, then there are unfortunately limited ways in which we can help you recover your money due to the lack of trail typically left behind by unregulated brokers, however, here at Global Securities we offer free consultations, so please get in touch and our team of legal experts can advise you further.

    If you’ve made trades with a regulated Forex broker who has lost your investment funds, then there is usually much more that we can do to help retrieve money lost. Our team are highly skilled and experienced in following trading and investment trails and have a high success rate in retrieving lost funds. Please contact our team for more information and to arrange a free consultation!